Ep 3 – Land of multi-faith harmony

Sindhi Hindus lost their homeland to Partition on the grounds of religion. However, religion was never a strongly divisive factor in Sindh! In this episode, the Tapestry podcast explores the syncretic fabric of the community before Partition; the fundamental embracing of Sikhism, Sufism, and the goodness of every religion in every Hindu family of Sindh. Anthropologist Zulfiqar Ali Kalhoro showcases this culture, speaks about his extensive documentation of the multi-faith shrines of Sindh, and also his fascinating research on the Qalandar cult.


Chuharsing, Bakshusing and the sixty Guru Granth Sahibs

Zulfiqar Ali Kalhoro’s Friday Times column https://www.thefridaytimes.com/author/zulfiqar-ali-kalhoro/

1. Pothohar Ki Yaaden Aur Yadgaren (Urdu) 2023. Waraq Publications: Chakwal

2. Saints, Sufis and Shrines: The Mystical Landscape of Sindh (2022) published by Endowment Fund trust for Preservation of the Heritage of Sindh, Karachi.

3. Memories, Mystics and Monuments of Pothohar (2022) Emel Publications, Islamabad

4. Glimpses of Sindhi Heritage (2021) published by Silk Road Centre, Islamabad ISBN: 978-9692-3597-0-2

5. Perspectives on Kalhora History published by Fiction House Lahore (2020) ISBN:978-969-562-819-5.

6. The Rock Art of Karachi  (2020) published by Sindh published by Directorate of Antiquities and Archaeology Karachi (2020) ISBN:978-969-8100-52-0

7. Reflections on the Pothohar Heritage (2020) published by Emel Publications, Islamabad

8. Wall Paintings of Sindh from Eighteenth to twentieth century (2020) published by Silk Road Centre, Islamabad ISBN:978-969-8100-59-9.

9. Symbols in Stone: The Rock art of Sindh (2018) published by Endowment Fund trust for Preservation of the Heritage of Sindh, Karachi ISBN: 978-969-9860-15-7.

10. Archaeology, Art and Religion in Sindh  (2018 ) published by Culture and Tourism department, Government of Sindh, Karachi (2018) ISBN: 978-969-8100-40-2 https://archive.org/details/archaeologyartandreligioninsindh/page/n3/mode/2up  includes a number of photographs by the author

11. Memorial Stones Tharparkar published  (2017 ) by Endowment Fund trust for Preservation of the  Heritage of Sindh, Karachi (2017) ISBN: 978-969-9860-10-2.

12. Studies in Kalhora History, Economy and Architecture (2017) published by Sindh Books Karachi ISBN:978-969-7762-00-2.

13. Perspectives on the art and architecture of Sindh (2014)  published by Endowment Fund trust for  Preservation of the Heritage of Sindh, Karachi (2014) ISBN: 978-969-9860-05-8.

Review of Wall Paintings of Sindh: a book by Zulfiqar Ali Kalhoro https://sindhstories.wordpress.com/2021/06/15/401/

About the Tapestry Podcast

For Sindhis, this podcast is the opportunity to reconnect with a precious long-lost legacy, gain a better understanding of who you are, and claim a more secure identity.

If you are not a Sindhi, here is a piece of Indian history – world history – which will enrich you with learning and inspiration, even as it engages and fascinates you.


This podcast brings you facts, opinions, insights and images, put together in a way that’s meant to keep you hooked!

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